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Dynamic Balancing

What are the arguments for dynamic balancing?

Rotating machines or installations that are not balanced causes vibrations and unnecessary wear and tear. Correct balancing of equipment prevents these vibrations, significantly extending the life of a device. Balancing a ventilation fan on site is a good example of one of the services Van Meer offers.


Dynamic balancing at our Service Centre

Van Meer has the expertise, knowledge, equipment and trained service engineers to dynamically balance rotating machine parts. Balancing takes place in accordance with the prescribed ISO standard 1940. Depending on the type of equipment, the correct balancing class G6.3, G2.5 (and in special cases G1.0) is selected to provide a qualitative balancing. We do this, among other things, for impellers and shafts van pumpselectric motorsfans, centrifuges, rollers, couplings, hammer mills and crushers, ...


Also on location!

Van Meer has the necessary expertise, knowledge, equipment and trained service engineers to dynamically balance rotating machine parts. Balancing is carried out according to the ISO 1940 standard. Depending on the equipment, the appropriate balancing class G6.3, G2.5 (and in particular cases G1.0) is selected for quality balancing. We offer this for impellers and pump shafts, electric motors, fans, centrifuges, rollers, couplings, hammer mills and crushers, etc.




 up to 6.00m

Also available on site!

Where devices are difficult or even impossible to dismantle, Van Meer offers on site balancing services. Our vibration equipment and expertise in this field mean we can balance cooling tower fan blades, and other rotating machinery, for example. Our on-site services improve the quality and sustainable upkeep of devices. Customers benefit from reduced costs and time savings when installing and removing equipment, as well as minimal production downtime.


Dealing with strong vibrations or tremors in your rotating equipment? Dynamic balancing may provide the solution!


Marconiweg 5

4691 SV Tholen


+31 (0)166 60 20 10


Keizerstraat 64 - Bus 103

2000 Antwerpen


+32 (0)3 369 02 40


Bedankt voor de inzending!

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